Monday, November 23, 2009

Custer's Last Stand - A Good Book!

I read a book about George Armstrong Custer . Did you ever read the book named Custer’s Last Stand? If you didn’t let me tell you about it.

George Armstrong Custer was born on December 5, 1839, he lived in the little town of New Rumley, Ohio. His dad was the head of the “New Rumley Invincibles” which were the militia for their town . Custer wanted to become a General and fight Indians ever since he was four. Custer’s nick name was Autie . No one knows why his parents called him Autie but that name just stuck with him for the rest of his life.

Autie never liked school very much, he loved to play in the forest with his gun and fight pretend Indians. Ten years later Autie was going to school and his principle wanted to talk to him about becoming a school teacher so he could get extra study time for West Point. Then he could pass the tests at West Point. So Autie became a teacher for a few years then he mailed a letter to a local congressman but he was turned down. The congressman had already picked a person from his area to go to West Point.

A year later he was approved to go to West Point by the congressman to become a General at West Point .

When Autie was in his third year at West Point his friends were talking about a war between the States. Autie didn’t really think it would happen, but it did during Autie’s fourth year. Because Autie left West Point early he never did become a General!

Autie was sent to Washington to be assigned were to go, so Autie left to help the 7th Cavalry Divison. Autie just kept winning battles. Soon the Seventh Division became popular, then the war was over.

Autie returned home and married a girl named Elizabeth Bacon. Autie was sent to a fort to guard against Indians then he was to report to Washington to become a General. After that he was to go back to the fort. Autie was then sent to go the Black Hills on a gold expedition but first he needed to clear the Indians of the area. So the 7th Divison tried but they were all killed, including George Armstrong Custer.

The End


  1. Matthew,
    I read your mom's blog, but am really excited to see your blog too! I didn't know much about Custer and I am a teacher!!! Thanks for the great review!

    Also, I read on your mom's blog that you guys all rocked at Tae Kwon Do!!! That's awesome! I took it when I was younger (not quite as young as you guys though) and when I got to the blue tip to go to red (I think) I just couldn't get past the board're going to do fabulously as you continue and really work at it and I can't wait to see the pictures!!! Great job!

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