Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What does it feel like?

Right now I'm kinda scared to go to Kazakhstan because I know Kazakhstanis will ask me a lot of questions in Russina and there will be a bunch of people looking at me. Because I have two Caucasian parents and there are three Asian kids, which probably means they keep their eyes on us until we are out of sight. They will probably think "what in the world are they doing here?".

I'm going to be OK with the Christmas situation because we already told Sana to leave the presents at our house. I think it will be a good experience for us all for Christmas. Even if I don't get any presents I'll still be happy.

It's feeling great about getting sisters. I have never met them but I think they are going to be nice and caring and loving sisters.

An orphanage, to me, it's nothing but a building. Maybe to Kenny or the girls it's something different from a building. Maybe to them it's a home or maybe not. I don't have much feeling for concrete buildings, but they may.

When I get on the plane I'll be excited because the take off is the best part...and don't forget air pockets. I've been on so many airplanes the altitude doesn't bother me at all!


  1. Matthew....we are all so excited for you! It won't be long before you are finally with your sisters!! James will be reading your blog and following you as you travel. We've already had the globe out and checked the time difference!! Have a wonderful trip and please keep writing as we'll all be checking your blog!!! Lenore, James and Dusty Ryan

  2. You are going to be such a wonderful brother to your new sisters. Have a great trip. I can't wait to read about your adventures!

  3. your sisters are going to be so happy to have a brother like you cant wait to follow your journey

  4. Matthew
    You are doing a fantastic job writing!! Happy travels. I am so excited for you.
    Mom to 3 bios and Laura age 10 home from Almaty region a month after Kenny

  5. Your blog is off to a great start! I can't wait to hear about your adventures in Kazakhstan and your journey to your new sisters!

  6. Matthew,

    Thank you for your willingness to let us in to your thoughts as you set out on this journey.

    I brought my daughter Tamar to Kazakhstan 2 1/2 years ago to adopt her younger sister. Tamar was 4 and still remembers every detail of the trip. I hope to take Tamar and her little sister Libby (now 3) back to Kazakhstan again in a few years.

    Enjoy your time getting to know your new sisters and revisiting the land of your birth. Kazakhstan is beautiful, special country!


  7. Hi Matthew! You are a wonderful writer! You must have inherited it from momma LaJoy! Thanks for letting us peak into your life and your thoughts and your feelings! You are one special friend, brother, son and grandson. I'll be watching your blogs and thinking of you all - can't wait to meet your sisters! Lots of love, Miss Joan

  8. Matthew - PS - I spelled "peak" wrong!!! Ha! I think it is "peek!" Miss Joan

  9. Matthew -

    Great blog! We look forward to following your adventures in Kazakhstan. And, if anyone asks you a question in Russian or Kazakh, just say "Ya knee pah-knee-mai-yu." It means "I don't understand." That will get your message across. Good luck and have a great trip! Love from Las Vegas

  10. Matthew -- I can't wait to follow your journey back to Kazakhstan!! My son Josh is 12 (now) and he had a blog when we went to Kyrgyzstan to meet his sister, Ellie. I am excited to read your stories about the visit. Have a great trip. I know your sisters are going to think you are SO CUTE and be so excited to have you for a brother!!

  11. Matthew,..You are such an extraordinary young man, with intellect and a presence of great sensitivity. I can already tell that you will be a great leader among men one day and a great leader within your growing family now and forever. Your parent should be very proud of you and of themselves for the parenting job that they have done. God Bless you son.

  12. Have a great trip, Matthew! We will be following along in Arizona. Mishelle and Bakha

  13. Hi Matthew, Greetings from Houston, Texas! I enjoyed reading all of your posts and can't wait to hear about your adventures with your completed family in Kazakhstan. Have a safe journey...and hopefully not too many air pockets as you fly to the other side of the world!

  14. Dear Matthew
    as much as I enjoy reading your mums blog, I am more exicted reading yours!!! Cant wait to hear more about the flight, the landing, the country, the meeting...
    Happy packing and happy flying and happy making new memories
    Love Joyce

  15. SOrry exicted should have been excited in the last comment. Sorry I promise to proof read next time :)

  16. Hi Matthew,
    Interesting post. I enjoy hearing your perspective on things. This is quite an adventure you and your family are on... can't wait to hear all about it. I'll be checking your blog for updates!

  17. You will have the adventure of a lifetime! Show those folks what a REAL family looks like! I have met Angela, and she is a darling girl. I am SO happy for you all!

  18. Matthew,
    I hope you have a wonderful trip. I can't wait to read your blog along the way and hear your perspective. We will miss you so much though - please know that we'll be counting the days until you are home!
    I love you!

  19. Matthew, Please keep me posted on your trip. I am so excited for your family. You and your brothers will be great brothers to your sisters.

  20. Hi Matthew,

    I hope you have a great trip! Your attitude about Christmas is great - your family will receive a huge gift by being all together. I can't wait to read more about your travels (and also your book reports!).

    Kim in MI

  21. Matthew,

    Although you are scared, I think you are well prepared for this trip. I hope that it goes well and you see many new and exciting things.

    Best wishes!
    Maureen in OH

  22. Hi! can you take me your e-mail if possible please makpalr@mail.ru
