Wednesday, December 9, 2009


When we saw the girls yesterday we played Uno with them. When we were playing we tried to make them smile but they were trying hard not to smile. After the visit we had a family conversation about the girls not smiling and about how they might not want to come home with us. I think Olesya is smiling but when Angela is around she tried not to.


  1. Dear Matthew
    Even though we all know that God has a plan for each of your lives, it must be so hard to be going thru all this, one thing I am certain is that you are all trying to be the best that you can and you have so much good to show and give them.
    WE are still thinking about you all constantly here in Australia and praying that they will come home with you willingly.

  2. Hi Matthew,
    I admire the way you and your family are handling this tough situation The LaJoy spirit is really shining through in adversity. Hang in there... the girls need your empathy and compassion, even though they aren't showing it (you're very wise... I'm sure you already know this). Thanks for the update.

  3. Hi Matthew! I am so proud of you and your brothers(and mom & dad too.) You are little angels offering so much love to 2 little girls who are so afraid. From your mom's recent blog it sounds like the ice is melting just a bit. Sometimes it takes time for ice to melt! It is -4 degrees here and NOTHING is melting. But I know the honest warmth you are embracing the girls with will melt the ice...and their hearts sooner or later. No matter what happens in the end - you are brave young men who we are all proud of!
    Love, Miss Joan

  4. Matthew,

    It is great that you played Uno with the girls and tried to get them to smile. I'm sorry that they would not smile much for you. I'm sure this is hard for them since they have just met you (in person) and are confused. I think that you and Angela have some thing in common. I think that if you did not smile, your brothers would try to follow your lead and not smile also. I hope the girls take the time to get to know your family instead of just shutting you out.

    Take care!
    Mauree in Ohio

  5. Hi Matthew,
    I'm sure the girls are impressed with the LaJoy family. Just by being yourself, you must be showing them that having a family can be wonderful. It's just difficult for the girls to leave the only "safe" experiences they've had so far. Such a big change does take time and shutting you out just makes them feel "safe" at this time. Let's hope that they

  6. Matt,
    Do you remember when we first met you all and Josh wouldn't even look at Zack??? Now they are the best of friends!!! Sometimes love just takes some time. I'm really proud of you for being patient, and for giving the girls a chance and not being mad at them. Just keep being yourself - you and your family are too wonderful to resist!!!
    It's really cold here. We're missing you all so much, it's been kind of boring!
    Love you!

  7. It sounds like you have been doing a great job trying to be friends with the girls. I am proud at how grown up you and your brothers have handled things!

  8. Matthew,

    You just keep on smiling at them. They will see how much love your family has to share :)


  9. Hi Matthew!

    Your blog has been a lot of fun for me as I love to travel and hear about places far away. Keep up the excellent posting.

    I am very sad that your sisters are having such a hard time finding their smiles. They must be very afraid.

    Uno is always fun for everyone and I'm sure you and your brothers will think of many other smile-producing activities. How about some tag? It certainly doesn't require much language and is generally great FUN for all (maybe even mom and dad!).

    Thanks for posting!

    Monica in NY
